Want to Develop a website in Dubai?
The most controversial stage of any commercial transaction is the coordination of its price so that the parties are convinced that the transaction is fair and protects their rights. It always seems to the service provider that he underestimated his work, and to the buyer that he overpays. To prevent this from happening, our company adopted a policy of transparent pricing.
Fortunately, the development of Internet technologies is taking leaps and bounds; ever new methods, platforms, concepts and thousands of specialists working in this field are appearing. A buyer who decides to order a digital service for himself falls into a cycle of fears and doubts, because he does not understand why he is voiced such a price, why the prices of different artists differ by an order of magnitude, or “Why a neighbor made a website for ten thousand Dirhams, and to me say the site will be worth a hundred thousand? ”. Such questions are asked by a potential owner of a cool site.
So to dispel all doubts, I decided to write this article. This is my attempt to close this painful topic once and for all.
How is her mother formed, the price of website development?
Purpose, quality, volume – three parameters on which the price of developing a web application depends.
Each site should have a task that it must successfully solve. Many companies have a simple task: just to be present on the Internet so that regular customers can read the news or comply with some kind of federal law that requires you to have a page on the Internet. This is not enough for other companies, and they pose more ambitious tasks: to develop an additional sales channel and gain new customers. And third companies need to automate existing business processes, become more mobile and independent of geolocation. Here is an example of three completely different goals that directly affect pricing.
Obviously, there are no such customers who do not care about the quality of work. Everyone wants the site as best as possible, but few non-specialists can immediately appreciate the quality of the proposed work. And even two different specialists may not agree on the assessment. But there is one unshakable rule of the economy: fast, high-quality and cheap – these three words will never stand side by side in one commercial proposal for the development of a site by a serious organization. For high quality requires more time and more expensive specialists.
I do not want to be a Cap, but I will say: more work – a higher price. Designers, CMS, and frameworks greatly saved the time for developing web applications but did not completely save customers from the work of programmers, layout designers, designers, SEOs, content managers and other magical creatures from the world of the Internet. All of them want to have offspring, feed their children, acquire and equip their housing and buy a unicorn in order to get to work faster.
Since it’s not possible for a simple third-level leprechaun who does not own magic to cover all your goals, markets and features in one article, I will try to describe the technical stages of developing a standard online store, as well as the development time and cost of each stage.
So: in order to calculate the price of a miracle site, you need to understand what components it consists of. Any site can be divided into a part visible to the user and hidden from his eyes (for more details, see the article What is a site and what does it consist of? ).
In general, it is no secret that the site consists of html-layout, styles, and program code, concept, goals and objectives, sweat from the fingers of a programmer, crumbs from his cookies and drops of tea. All this falls into one large boiler, mixes up for another week, and sometimes a month or two. This, of course, directly depends on the phase of the moon, and in which constellation it is.
Website development steps:
- Development of technical specifications. Technically savvy gnomes do this while sitting in their own dungeon. They know all the rules and “wrong” writing understandable only to themselves the terms of reference.
- Development of prototypes of site pages based on T.Z. At this stage, the hobbits create a visualization of the sketches based on the terms of reference.
- Design development based on prototypes. This task is performed by graceful elves, those same designers – graduates of the best schools of sorcery and visual effects.
- Further, coders – small smurfs who use their rulers and mallets to create a part of the site visible to users, enter the work. Every millimeter is important here. Rather, a pixel))
- Integration of layout with the selected CMS (or writing your platform) – take on bespectacled orcs. Who does not know, Shrek was an orc and freelancer in the evenings.
- The finalization and tuning of the necessary modules are done by techno-goblins. They like it, they get high and laugh funny, listen to the open windows at night.
- Setting up forms, connecting meters, integration with third-party CRM services, setting analytics goals … Centaurs are especially strong in this area. With the help of their hooves, they cleverly overcome all obstacles and bumps.
- But working with content and setting up a site for indexing in search engines (that same mysterious SEO) prefer to make magnificent fairies. With them, the site takes off and soars higher and higher in the search results.
The described stages are a conditional breakdown of the main stages of development, of course, each specialist can have their own. We have these.
Let’s reflect on the example of a simple online store with a unique design consisting of 10 types of pages (templates), provided that the price of a standard hour is 100 Dirhams. The cost of a standard hour in the market of our services varies from 30 to 100 AED, and it depends on the technology stack, the color of wages, tenants’ appetite and mood of the tax service and many other dark forces.
Amazed by customers who always say that this work does not cost 100 Dirhams per hour. And I thought, maybe they are right, even did a little research on the market, tried to find out: do the car service workers say that the same 20 AED per hour is expensive for their services. Do they refuse to pay plumbing 1000 per hour of work or to repairmen of refrigerators, televisions and other residents of upper Brinland for their work. I even thought maybe web programmers are lower beings, I had to study at the school of pipe and water magicians …
Of course, you can always find a self-employed mummyz grunting over his code for 10 AED per hour or for a bottle of magic potion. But after such tricks, customers turn to our company with the words: “There will be no prepayment! I have already transferred the prepayment to some kind of mummy musician who works in shorts. But he disappeared, leaving behind an unpleasant smell of these cowards … But he did not complete the work. And now I want you to work for a month, or even two, and then maybe I will pay you for your work, only if I like everything. ”By the way, we also burned ourselves with such marmots. And now we work only according to the rules prescribed by the supreme king of our fairy kingdom in the agreement.
Now I will talk about each stage in more detail:
- Writing TK is the most crucial and important stage. At this stage, the architecture of the site or web application is created, the platform is selected, determined with the number of pages, and development details are described. For small standard projects, the cost of work at this level is not allocated separately, however, for complex and large works, the cost of writing a technical task can reach 10-20% of the price for developing the project itself. I advise everyone who wants to get a quality product to take this stage seriously because often the plan laid down in it at the development stage will not be possible to change painlessly in the later stages of development. For a regular online store, the development of TK usually takes 8 hours.
- Prototypes are sketches of future pages with symbols, they are drawn on the basis of technical specifications and are the basis on which the designer draws his layouts. Rendering prototypes of 10 pages takes 8 hours.
- Designing a website in two forms (desktop and mobile) can take up to 7 business days. This process is creative, and therefore does not have a clear time frame, so the assessment of design development is determined not by time, but by the number of pages and their volumes. This also includes the development of a logo if it is not. The cost of this stage for an online store with 10 types of pages is from 3000 AED.
- The page layout stage is very important, not only the type of the site, but the page loading speed, as well as the interface functionality, depends on the quality of the layout designer. With the simplest interfaces, layout of one page except the main one takes 3 hours. At a price of 100 AED per hour of work, the cost of the finished result from the hands of the layout designer is about 10000 AED for 10-page templates.
- Landing the layout on the CMS depends on the platform, it takes 12 hours to create a simple theme based on the finished layout with the minimum settings, that is, this stage at a price of 100 AED per hour will cost from 12 thousand AED.
- We omit the sixth item “development of modules”, we assume that all modules are already ready for use in one click. The price of this stage is 0AED.
- Setting up forms, a sitemap, a Robots file, adding counters, registering addresses, telephones and other trifles can be done in 3 hours. Stage price 3 thousand
- And here comes the work with content and SEO-optimization. We will not include in our calculation. This is the next stage of work on the site.
As you can see from the description above, the price of a simple but high-quality online store with a free CMS with a unique design starts at 10000 AED at the prices of 2019. 5000 AED without design.
Of course, if the customer wishes, to modify non-standard modules or integrate the site with a CRM system, develop calculators, personal user accounts, newsletters, complex statistics, etc. the price will increase many times, but there is nothing wrong if the tasks set are justified from the point of view of business automation or to establish an additional stable sales channel.
And in the end, I want to add that the site is not cheap or expensive. It can be either effective and profitable, or failure and loss. It follows that you need to look not at the price of the site, but at the deadline for reaching the breakeven point of this sales channel.
Our company employs the most sensitive and attentive specialists from the magical world of web development. We will take into account the features of your business and offer only the most suitable option for you on the best conditions.
For Professional web design services dubai or consultation from GCC Marketing Dubai please Contact Us or call us directly on 00971567300683