SITE TESTING: GOALS AND METHODS. Unfortunately, most developers do not pay enough attention to testing the site. And very in vain. Because of such a miss, after the project is launched, errors pop up that need to be fixed. As a result, the client loses time, gets nervous, and the developer performs the revision for free.
Various kinds of errors affect not only the quality of the site but also its perception by visitors. Slow loading of the site, incorrect operation with large simultaneous loads cause a negative impression about the site and the company. Visitors are not ready to wait, therefore, disappointed, go to your competitors. That is why testing is so important. This stage can take up to 50% of the budget and time. Where did this figure come from, we will tell further.
The main task of testing is to identify errors of the site until its launch. For this, specialists are involved who carry out painstaking work, artificially create situations that may arise during the operation of the site. Next, an analysis of the functioning of the project and its behavior is carried out, errors are determined and eliminated. All work is divided into stages and is performed on various browsers. Stages include:
Testing the site for functionality;
Analysis of the convenience of the site (usability);
Performance testing;
Security Level Check;
Analysis and testing of the interface.
Testing the functionality of the site is considered the most important in terms of ongoing work. Even the slightest mistake made in the functionality of the site can lead to the loss of the client. For example, an error in the calculator will lead to incorrect calculations. Error in the basket – the inability to place an order, etc. To identify such errors, the specialist tests navigation, the search functions of the product and its order, payment methods, feedback forms and the ability to manage the site after its delivery (adding pages, content, editing, etc.).
Usability testing allows us to analyze the convenience of the visitor while using the site. It checks navigation, convenience in finding a product or service, navigation to pages, reading the information, watching videos, etc. If the user is not comfortable using the website, he will never return to it.
At the stage of performance testing, the site’s performance is checked during its critical load. The specialist artificially creates a situation of heavy loads and analyzes the behavior of the resource.
At the final stage of testing the site, its security level is checked. The specialist is trying to find vulnerabilities that can cause hacks, hacker attacks, etc.
As you can see, site testing is an important process that should not be deprived of attention. The more detailed and thorough the testing, the more effective the site becomes. Read more about testing the site in our blog.
You can order the creation of a site from our specialists.
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