Table of Contents
The most successful websites have two things:
great content and star design. If your website’s design is dull, your content will not be able to shine, and you will disperse all visitors. This means that you need to start thinking about the style and how to design the site from the moment you start creating a new project.
In this article, we will teach you how to design a website from scratch. We will go through the six necessary steps, including:
Finding a reliable web host.
Choosing a platform for creating a site.
Customize the tools you need to bring your design to life.
Create a layout for your design.
Work on prototype design.
Checking whether your design looks good on mobile devices.
Don’t worry, you can create an awesome website, even if you are a beginner. So, let’s talk about how to make a website design!
Step 1: Find a Reliable Hosting Provider
Step 2: Choose a platform to create a site
Step 3. Install the necessary tools
Step 4: Build Your Web Design Layout
Step 5: Start working on a prototype design and refine it
Step 6: Check if your website design looks good on mobile devices
Step 1: Find a Reliable Hosting Provider
Before we talk about how to design a site, we need to solve several technical issues. Firstly, you need to find a quality hosting provider for your new site.
Many people simply look for the cheapest hosting that they can find, and do not bother much, but usually, this is a mistake. Not all hosts provide the same level of service or function, so you will need to take a closer look until you find a reliable hosting.
When it comes to web hosting, here’s what you need to look for when looking for a quality provider:
Great customer service
Great site performance
Additional features that make your life easier, such as automatic backups
A solid knowledge base so you can solve problems yourself
Support for any platform you want to use to create your site
As you would expect, most web hosts claim to meet all of these criteria, so it depends on your research. The best way to make a choice is to find several independent reviews for any hosting service you are considering.
Step 2: Choose a platform to create a site
Once your hosting is ready, you will need to choose which platform you want to use to create your site. You can always write code from scratch if you want, but this option is best for experienced developers.
As for website platforms, we are big fans of Content Management Systems (CMS). These tools allow you to create professional websites and manage large content libraries, and most of them are convenient for beginners.
There are many CMS options you can choose, such as WordPress :
This particular platform provides more than 30% of the Internet, which means that the platform is really good. WordPress is easy to use and offers a staggering amount of customization options thanks to its plugin systems and themes.
This particular platform is a step forward compared to WordPress in terms of complexity, but it involves additional work related to its built-in search engine optimization (SEO) features and security settings. Also, Joomla does a great job of handling custom content types in the base version, which is an area that WordPress can handle without any configuration.
In addition to CMS, you can also use website building tools. These solutions allow you to create websites using visual linkers with drag and drop along with collections of ready-made elements:
Website creators offer you an easy way to quickly create and run your website while providing a decent setup. If this sounds attractive, we offer a special website builder with all Hostinger plans, so you can start with it.
In the remainder of this tutorial, we will focus on WordPress, as it is the most popular site building platform. Moreover, it offers many tools to help you learn how to create websites and understand how to design a website.
Step 3. Install the necessary tools
After installing WordPress, you will also need to configure a few additional tools if you want to realize your website design. First of all, you will need a theme that should match the style of your website.
There are thousands of options to choose from when it comes to WordPress themes. However, we recommend that you start by using a free theme while you get used to the platform. You can find the best option in the official
Browse the topics you like and keep track of positive reviews and the latest updates. If there is neither one nor the other, you should not opt for this topic, because it is more likely to cause problems. If you have a theme, you can install and activate it.
At this point, we are also going to recommend that you use the WordPress plugin to create your pages. These tools make it easy to create stylish sites. WordPress may be easy to use, but it takes a bit of grace to make your website look the way you want it. Using the plugin for creating website pages (English), you can customize your website design on the fly.
Step 4: Build Your Web Design Layout
So far, we have laid the technical foundation necessary to begin the development of the website. Now, however, the time has come when your creativity can take effect.
Right now you have a WordPress website with a stylish theme and a ready-made plugin for creating pages. Then you need to get a notebook and a pencil (yes, we are “going back to school”), which you will use to outline a plan of how you want your site to look.
This is called a layout, and it does not have to be incredibly detailed. The important part is that it should include all the elements that you want to see on your site. You can, of course, add as many details as you want. Ultimately, your layout will serve as a visual guide when you begin to design your site for real.
If you don’t like pencil and paper, there are many tools you can use to create layouts on your computer. The disadvantage is that they will also need to be mastered, which means that you will need to spend a little more time at this stage.
In any case, continue and revise your layout as many times as you like until you feel that you like how it looks. Then let’s move on to the next step.
Step 5: Start working on a prototype design and refine it
Once your layout is ready, it’s time to transfer it from paper to the digital world. In other words, you will start prototyping your web design.
Since you have a ready-made reliable site builder, the first thing you need to do is open it using the WordPress editor. You can then start adding the elements you want to your pages, and arrange them as they appear in your layouts.
This process, of course, will depend on which plugin for the site you choose. However, at this point, we recommend that you do not focus on details, such as choosing a font size or choosing perfect colors. After that, there will still be time to refine your design.
What is important now is that you create a working prototype of your site, which includes all the elements that you put in your layout. With a ready-made prototype, you can identify any solutions that do not work and make changes to improve the site design. This is the moment when you begin to focus on small details.
In most cases, your layouts will not survive the transition to the final prototype. However, this was to be expected. Similarly, your prototype will probably not be very similar to your finished site. Also, how much time you need to develop a website will depend on how perfectionist you are. You probably have dozens of elements that you can customize, and layout options that you can play with, so take your time.
One quick tip to keep in mind right now is don’t worry too much about your site’s text and other types of content. Use text placeholders and stock images to speed up prototyping. When your layout is ready and everything is where you want, you can replace them with the content that you will use.
Step 6: Check if your website design looks good on mobile devices
By now, you have already learned a lot about how to make a website design. However, there is one last step before you can say that your design is ready to work in prime time, this is a guarantee that it looks good on mobile devices.
Currently, mobile traffic has overtaken its peers (English), so the key is to ensure that your projects look good with lower resolutions. If your site breaks down when someone accesses it from a smartphone, you will have many disappointed visitors and a rather high bounce rate, which you want to avoid.
The good news is that most WordPress page designers are optimizable for smartphones by default. This means that using them, the projects you create should look great on mobile devices, without having to do anything else.
However, it never hurts to be careful and check how your site looks on a smaller screen. There are many ways to do this
To access the development tools of your browser, right-click anywhere on your website and click Check. Now, look at the top of the screen. You will see several fields in which you can enter your permission and see how your site looks in this size:
If you want to be careful about what you should be, we recommend that you test a few permissions to make sure your site looks and works as intended for all of them. If you encounter any problems, go back to the prototype phase and use the site builder to fix them. As soon as you make all the necessary changes, your site will be ready for publication.
If you have a professional website, then you have already won half the battle. With great design, people will pay more attention to what you say, and transitions should be easier. The good news is that you don’t need to be a professional to learn how to make a beautiful website that looks fantastic. All you need is to follow the recommendations, use the right tools and work until your site looks perfect.
Perhaps you already have experience and you know how to create a beautiful site? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments.
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