Domain Name Selection and Website Promotion.
Domain name is the address of a site on the Internet. Writing in transliteration the name of the company, check that it is free and paying for registration is not an optimal approach.
Of course, one cannot but agree that the selection of a domain name is the most important on the English Internet. Some web marketers claim that for English-language sites, the right domain is 90% of the site’s future success.
But when creating sites in other languages, one cannot neglect the selection of a domain name; a domain name is a significant factor in website promotion.
The domain must be a second level – this adds credibility to the resource both in the eyes of users and for search engines.
A third-level domain name of the type Http: //www.3level.2level.1level/ pessimizes the site in the search engine results, being more accessible, interferes with the quality promotion of the site in the TOP.
Rules for Selecting a Website Domain Name.
If you have come to the Internet seriously and for a long time, do not forget the rules for selecting a website domain name :
1. The domain name should reflect the content of the site and not the name of the company (exception: the company already has a well-developed brand).
2. The domain should be short and clear.
3. The domain name should be meaningful, carry a clear message, be easy to pronounce and remember
4. The domain should be “commodity”, often requested (the most high-frequency thematic request in a niche).
Not so long ago, it was believed among webmasters that it is better to start the domain name with numbers (in lists sorted alphabetically, the site will be in first positions). Now it is believed that the domain should begin with one of the first letters of the alphabet. Again – this is absolutely true for English-language sites, but when creating sites in other languages, this should not be neglected.
Quite often, for these purposes, words such as ALL and ABOUT are used:
Sometimes they just take the first letters of the alphabet (,
As for the domain zone extensions, there is no clear gradation. True, you should consider: for what audience is the future site intended. If you plan to develop the site only for a specific region, the extensions determining the territorial affiliation will be quite appropriate: * .ru, * .ua.
If you create your project without being tied to a geographical region, the “international” zones * .com, * .info, * .net, * .biz, * .org will be more appropriate here.
When selecting a domain name, use the search tools for keywords of the Google search engine to identify the most popular words in your subject.
And it’s better to just order a website – GCC MARKETING web design COMPANY will help you not only correctly choose the website’s domain name, but also develop a website of any complexity qualitatively.
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