Corporate identity creation. To be successful, a company must be recognizable. It is a fact. Another thing is how to achieve this. The largest companies in the world invest millions of dollars in creating corporate identity and recognizable brands. And what are the main components of a successful brand? That’s right – a sonorous, catchy name, a good slogan, a good advertising strategy and, of course, the corporate identity of the company.
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What is a corporate identity?
And this is the clothes that are used to meet any company in the business world. In a more official language, corporate identity is a set of uniform graphic images and construction principles designed to identify a company among other similar ones and to create a recognizable image in the eyes of consumers.
After all, you have probably noticed more than once that a person who is wearing a red or green plaid shirt, a cap with the characteristic letter “M” and a tie tied in the style of a pioneer one is defined in a split second as an employee of the well-known fast-food chain. And when you see a chicken truck passing by on the street, you can easily determine that it belongs to a chicken manufacturing company. Why is this happening? That’s right – this is the manifestation of corporate identity.
Elements of corporate identity.
But in general, the main elements of corporate identity include:
audio image of a company – serves to distinguish a company from competitors by a specific sound or a set of sounds; it is used in radio advertising or in television commercials;
Graphic trademark is an image registered in the established manner as a trademark in the name of a specific owner (or team);
verbal trademark – usually this term refers to the name of the company or other verbal construction registered in the established manner;
slogan – an advertising phrase, the motto of a company or a specific product;
company logo – in many ways resembles a trademark, sometimes coincides with it, is intended to increase the recognition of a company;
corporate character – a certain character (funny animal, person, fantastic creature) or an image symbolizing the company, which is used in advertising events;
corporate font – a specific font (or set of fonts) selected for the design of branded printed materials;
color gamut – a specific set of colors used to identify the company.
The bearer of corporate identity can be literally any item that is used in the everyday life of a company. These are folders for documents, and envelopes of various sizes, and employee badges, corporate and personal business cards, CD (DWD) disks and covers for them, and all kinds of letterheads, and even employees’ clothes. In addition, the attributes of presentations and exhibitions, such as brochures, brochures, calendars, posters, souvenirs, packages, balloons, etc., act as carriers of corporate identity. Outdoor advertising, advertising in the media, in transport, signs, and signs are all also excellent carriers of corporate identity. Even the company’s office, decorated in accordance with corporate colors and symbols, is an excellent carrier of corporate identity.
How is the advancement of corporate identity?
So as to build up a corporate identity, you should initially recognize the objectives and goals that it will perform. Determine what style a company needs: discreet or vibrant, business or fun.
Further elements of corporate identity are developed, and only then its carriers. The first are selected corporate colors and logos. Obviously, for example, for the corporate identity of a toy manufacturer, bright, rich colors, cartoon characters are suitable. For a financial institution – the main stability and trust, so restrained tones, strict style are suitable. Urban motives in the design of a corporate identity will be quite appropriate for a manufacturer of equipment; they will emphasize the modernity of the company itself and its products.
It happens that the company logo has developed historically. Then it is carefully checked for compliance with modern trends, assessed its effectiveness and then work either on the basis of it or starting to develop a logo from scratch. After that, branded fonts, character and other elements of corporate identity are developed.
The described elements are the basis for all subsequent development of corporate identity media. After their approval, they begin to develop design layouts for corporate identity carriers (business cards, letterheads, folders, envelopes, souvenirs, etc.). Sometimes in the process of working on corporate identity media, there are some refinements, improvements to the basic elements.
The result of developing a corporate identity is usually a brand book, which contains instructions for the proper use of corporate identity. The brand book describes in detail how to use the logo, create printed materials, and use corporate colors.
Tasks of corporate identity.
And summing up, I would like to once again highlight the tasks of corporate identity :
help the consumer identify the company among other similar ones;
to strengthen consumer confidence in the company;
increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns due to the fact that all carriers of corporate identity are advertising in themselves.
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