WordPress sites can slow down for a number of reasons. It can be anything: bloated code, poor-quality plug-in, or poor hosting performance. Finding out what slows you down is hard enough. It’s even more difficult to understand tools designed to increase speed (for example, caching plugins), full of mysterious settings.
All this can result in something like a nightmare when diagnosing and correcting what seemed like a simple problem. And not everyone knows how to speed up WordPress.
And here we will come to your aid. There are tools designed to help quench your thirst for speed (WordPress). Below we have provided a list of plugins that do not in the least require you to have a doctorate in rocket science. At the same time, they will help you set up a lightning-fast site. In addition, we will offer tips to maximize performance on your WordPress website.
Table of Contents
WordPress Optimization Plugins
WP Rocket
Setting up a WordPress caching plugin can be incredibly frustrating. Often they contain so many settings with less obvious names that you really need to determine what they are doing by trial and error.
Setting up a WordPress caching plugin can be incredibly frustrating. Often they contain so many settings with less obvious names that you really need to determine what they are doing by trial and error.
WP Rocket is a premium plugin, but it costs its money. It requires ultra-minimal setup and really speeds up the site. The package includes page caching, preloading, database optimization, and lazy image loading.
Fast velocity minify
Fast Velocity Minify takes your site’s CSS and JS files and combines them into smaller file groups. In the end, each of these files can contain thousands of lines.
Compressing and pooling resources can really reduce load times. This is especially true for sites running many plugins. Fast Velocity Minify is fairly easy to configure: the default settings are suitable for most cases. There are also advanced options if you feel like experimenting.
BJ Lazy Load
Delayed loading of content can be of great help in reducing the number of server requests. BJ Lazy Load allows you to load images, text widgets and iframe-content (for example, YouTube videos) only when they enter the user’s viewing window.
Thus, heavy content is downloaded only when necessary. This is especially useful for large pages with long scrollbars that contain a lot of multimedia. Just turn on this plugin and feel the difference.
In just a few clicks Autoptimize will combine styles and scripts, minimize HTML, CSS and JS files, add expiration headers and cache them. If desired, the plugin can also move styles to the header, and scripts to the footer of the site.
Although the developer recommends using Autoptimize in conjunction with a caching plugin, it is an easy way to speed up your site anyway.
Speed booster pack
The Speed Booster Pack uses several methods to speed up a site. It minimizes HTML / JavaScript / CSS, but not only. For example, it compresses images, downloads JS libraries from Google servers (and not from your own server), defers parsing scripts, removes “unwanted” headers and other unnecessary garbage.
The plugin’s settings panel displays the peak memory usage and page load time. Just check the boxes for each option you want to enable. You also have the option to disable minimization of certain scripts.
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
The site database can become incredibly cluttered over time. This can lead to slow site operation. Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions is designed to become a “one-click” solution by deleting revisions of posts (if you wish, you can save the specified number of revisions and send them to e-mail), spam comments, unused tags, pingbacks/trackbacks, and orphaned items -meta.
The plugin also optimizes database tables to make the database cleaner. Optimization can run every hour, once a day, twice a day, or weekly. It is compatible with WordPress multisite.
Speed Tips
WordPress itself is not a slow platform. But as we add features like themes and plugins, it can slow down. In combination with problems in the database and potential hosting problems, this can lead to a significant decrease in site speed.
Here are a few things to consider if you want to speed up your site:
Avoid heavy topics
Just because a topic is called “minimal” does not mean that it is light. The theme may look minimalistic, but at the same time load a lot of scripts that will slow down the site.
If you are using a third-party theme, check out the documentation to learn how to disable scripts that you do not plan to use. Otherwise, use an easy starting theme and customize for yourself what you need.
Do you really need this plugin?
Each plugin that you install and activate can add scripts, styles, and records to the database. Before installing the plugin, do some research to find out if there are any problems with load times associated with this plugin. Ask yourself if it is really necessary for the success and security of your site. If not, you can continue for now.
Pay attention to deleted scripts and styles
Services that provide web fonts, analytics, or advertising features can affect site speed. Although these providers may have fast remote servers, any connection problem may block the page loading. Consider what services you use and use only those that you need. It is also recommended that you stick to well-known and reliable suppliers.
Track Missing Content
Regardless of whether the resources are internal or remote, pay attention to any scripts or style sheets that do not load. A missing file can cause your site to react incredibly slowly, and there may be consequences for display and functionality. Use tools like Pingdom or GTmetrix to analyze your site. Both tools offer a waterfall view that shows how long it takes to load with a page for each file. If one of these files generates a 404 error, you have found the culprit of the problems.
Learn about hosting restrictions
Not all web hosts are the same. Some do provide an excellent level of service. But you should also be aware of some hosting issues that can cause a slowdown. Overloaded servers, starting an unsupported (old) version of PHP, or too much traffic can lead to problems with the speed of the site.
Increase website speed
Increasing the speed of your WordPress site should not be overly complicated. Using the above tools and methods, you will have at your disposal everything that you need.
After all, speed is vital. This affects things like SEO and bounce rate. Therefore, it is worth a little effort to achieve the greatest possible site performance.
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